Son Must Not Receive Heritage
He was born with a scar on the left chest. When everyone in the family saw the scar, they suddenly knew that he was reborn from the previous life but did not know whom. When he saw my uncle and my aunt, he called them father and mother. No one believed that he was my uncle and aunt’s son that was reborn.
นักปราชญ์บัณฑิตทั้งหลายพิจารณาเห็นว่า การเกิดบ่อยๆ เป็นทุกข์ ความแก่ ความเจ็บและความตายก็เป็นทุกข์ ท่านจึงแสวงหาหนทางพ้นทุกข์
Be Good Because Of DMC
Male massage shop in Bahrain earns lots of money since massagers are bisexual. This business is in fact more than just a simple massage. There are male prostitutes. Most of the customers know about this. I ran this business without knowing its retribution. I got to know the truth of life, demerit, merit, good and bad deeds, and what should or should not do via DMC.
Meditation Testimonials : Ven. Pao Anubalo
A Lao monk from the 100,000-monk Mass Ordination in the Buddhist Lent Project unveiled his real meditation experience.
Phoenix Swan-Dragon
My mother saved up until she had a lot of money in a trust fund. Unfortunately, it seems like it was her kamma. That trust went bankrupt. My mother lost many millions of baht.
The 1,000,000-Laywoman Training Project:- The Letter from the Hill Tribe Teacher
A lovely letter written from a Karen student to Khunkru Maiyai. She and her friends are happy to join this project.
คณะพระภิกษุสงฆ์บิณฑบาตที่ China town Paris
เช้าวันเสาร์ที่ 2 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553 คณะพระภิกษุสงฆ์ วัดพระธรรมกายปารีส ได้ออกเดินทางไปบิณฑบาต ในเขต China town ของกรุงปารีส
Perpetual Virtue Never Been Told - Part 2
He has many worldly experiences in his life and has seen many kinds of people from every class. Being a Dream in Dream kindergarten student, he realized that “merit” makes people different. What merit makes a normal person be a president, a prime minister, and some become ministers or less powerful leaders, respectively? If one wishes to be a leader like this in every life, what can he do?
Meditation Testimonials :- Mrs. Chanapa Heart (New Zealand)
Mrs. Chanapa Heart unveiled her experience after she went to meditate.
ความดี คนดีทำได้ง่าย แต่คนชั่วทำได้ยาก ความชั่ว คนชั่วทำได้ง่าย แต่คนดีทำได้ยาก